Friday, July 31, 2020

Matariki Facts


Even though not all tribes celebrate together or not at the same time it usually begins on the first full moon.

Lots of people think that Matariki is a constellation but it is a cluster.

There are about 500 stars of Matariki but without a telescope you can only see six or seven stars.

Matariki has different names in different countries.

Some of the names of the stars are Matariki, Tupu-ā-nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi, Waitī, Waitā, Waipunā-ā-rangi and Ururangi.

Matariki is the maori new year.

Matariki comes back in June.

Polynesians celebrate matariki with kites.

Matariki means the new cycle of life.

Matariki is a time to remember the people you have lost.

If the Matariki stars are hard to see it means the next year will be very cold.

Matariki is a time to get ready for learning.

Also if the stars are hard to see it means it is a bad time to grow crops.

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