Friday, September 11, 2020



Even though not all tribes celebrate together or not at the same time it usually begins on the first full moon.

Lots of people think that Matariki is a constellation but it is a cluster.

There are about 500 stars of Matariki but without a telescope you can only see six or seven stars.

Matariki has different names in different countries.

Some of the names of the stars are Matariki, Tupu-ā-nuku, Tupu-ā-rangi, Waitī, Waitā, Waipunā-ā-rangi and Ururangi.

Matariki is the maori new year.

Matariki comes back in June.

Polynesians celebrate matariki with kites.

Matariki means the new cycle of life.

Matariki is a time to remember the people you have lost.

If the Matariki stars are hard to see it means the next year will be very cold.

Matariki is a time to get ready for learning.

Also if the stars are hard to see it means it is a bad time to grow crops.

Polar Bears

Polar Bears

Hi, I am Rylee and I am obsessed with Polar Bears. I am trying to find a way to help the Polar Bears. My speech is all about them.Polar bears live in the Arctic.Most Polar bears are found on the north of the Arctic circle. Popular places for Polar bears to live are Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland and Norway. Did you know adult polar bears can grow up to 2.5 meters long? If you ask me, that is pretty big. Also these big creatures can weigh up to 680kg. They are the biggest meat eaters on the planet!!! What do you call a polar bear with ear muffs on?

Anything it can’t hear you.

A polar bear can kill a human but it is not likely.They can also kill each other. The reason for killing is because that is where the polar bears live and they don’t want other bears in their territory. Like many others they are territorial.The polar bears will only kill humans and each other for protection.Polar bears hunt seals on the ice.They sit on the ice waiting for a seal to pop up. When a seal does pop up the polar bears grab them with their mouths and pull them to land.Did you know that a polar bear's fur is actually transparent with a hollow core,well now you know that that a polar bear's fur is not really white.

What is white, big and has wheels on it’s paws? A roller bear.

Polar bears diet consists mainly of seals. Sometimes they also eat carcasses of beluga whales, walruses, narwhals, and bowhead whales.They also eat fish. A carcasse is a dead animal body.During winter, many bears stay warm by making a den and sleeping. Polar bears do not hibernate, but their bodies do slow down around this time. A den is a home made of snow for the polar bears to sleep.A polar bear's nose is so powerful that it can smell a seal on the ice 20 miles away!Keeping clean. To clean their fur, polar bears roll in the snow.The snow is like a cold bath for the polar bears.The ice is also slippery and wet also like a bath.

What did the ocean say to the polar bear, nothing it just waved. Anyway back to the speech.

For such a big bear, polar bears start out small. A cub is about the size of a stick of 

butter when it is born. It is born hairless, with its eyes closed. Milk from polar bear mothers is 35 percent fat, this helps the cubs grow quickly.Polar bears keep warm from their thick layer of fur and fat. Polar bears have two types of fur. The Polar bears' hairs are long and oily and they help keep water away and keep heat in.Did you know that polar bears skin is actually black. Weird right?When Polar Bears see humans they can show how they feel with body language.They can also use senses like smell.Polar bears can also get scared and worried when they get discovered or approached.

Why was the sad polar bear not thinking he was white anymore? Because it was feeling blue.

From climate change the polar bears can not live a normal life. They can’t be happy.The temperatures in the arctic are rising and melting the ice.So it is difficult for them to find food. The polar bears can possibly drown in deep water.They also need the ice to catch food on.I need your help to save these amazing creatures. Our actions are hurting the world. Please stand with me to fight this madness. We can help by reducing the amount of pollution and power. Cars, planes, motorbikes, boats and more.They are all making smog and smoke which is not good for any animal. The Ice is also melting. We can’t help with that but we can hope. That is the end of my speech about polar bears.
Thank You!