Monday, March 23, 2020

Midland Line Swimming Sports

On Wednesday the 4th of March Room 1 from Kumara School went to Midland line swimming sports at the Greymouth Aquatic Centre. There were a bunch of activities for years 5-8 and the year 4s joined in on the year 5 activities. Lots of kids won ribbons for their races. The year groups got split into two, the boys raced together and the girls raced together. I chose 4 people from Kumara School to say what they enjoyed about swimming sports. This is what they said:

Autumn said “It was really fun and I enjoyed competing against others because it was challenging”.

Hayley said “It was so fun all the schools did great”.

Jack R said “I liked that some stuff was challenging”.

Oscar said “I liked that It was challenging”.

Once again our school was the best behaved, like Hayley said everyone did amazing, it was very entertaining.


  1. Hi Rylee what a great piece of writing you have done. Keep up the fantastic work ♥️🙂

  2. Hi Rylee, It is Olivia From Yaldhurst Model School.Great job with your blog post. I like the way that you asked some people how there time was that added in he good detail. One thing you need to use spaces down so that your writing doesn't go out of the page.
    Great Job.

  3. Hello Rylee,
    Its Bridget here from yaldhurst model school.I think that your blog post was amazing. Did you enjoy the the swimming sports? Did you go to the swimming sports? I did the races at school but I didn't go to the finals. Hey this is a good blog post. Maybe just try to add a bit more info. Because I have a lot of questions. Good job

  4. Hi Rylee this is Michaela from Yaldhurst Model school
    One thing is that the blog ost goes of the page and there are no photos. Maybe next time my can put a link to there blog posts.
    The is great in how you put the names in chapel letters like some people do not do it and we put what some people liked about it.
    What schools were there?
    Did you go?
    Kind regards

  5. Hi Rylee,
    I am Alan from Yaldhurst Model school. I think your blog post was great. I liked how you said about the compliments your friend gave. You can make a better post by writing some more and also the text goes outside so you might want fix that. So can you say whether you have fixed that text going out by clicking the reply link and writing to me ?
    kind regards

  6. Hi Rylee,
    I am Peter from Yaldhurst Modle school. I like you blog did you go there
    your post got off the page can you fix it please. did you go there?
    What did you do there?
    It is a great post. Can you do better next time


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.